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Fun driven development

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I use a lot of nerdy tools (linux, nix, river), some tools also have a steep learning curve (vim, dvorak). I also type on a 32 split keyboard I made myself.

my keyboard

A lot of developers would say I am wasting time, using tools that have no use or slow me down, and I should stop to ship some products.

I also write code in a lot of different language (21 according to my github stats) and I still do not have a favorite language. Nor do I have a go-to language when I want to make a project quickly. Even on my most important project, Kyoo, multiple languages coexist while most would say a big monolith could be enough.

I rewrite projects from scratch if I feel this is needed, even if it means losing velocity (ex for kyoo’s v5).

I never use LLM, for writing code or searching for solution/alternatives. Heck, I don’t even use auto-complete to write code.

While you could say I’m just an old-fashioned nerd, my choices can be summarized by those sentences:

  • Building things I use is fun
  • Learning new things is fun
  • Being competent is fun

I like using projects I build. I like learning new things everyday, new obscure features of my editor/os/packet manager/wm.
I love being wrong and having my understanding of something being completely changed after learning something new.
I like knowing why and how stuff work, I absolutely refuse to use something without knowing exactly what it does. I would rather spend 2h searching for something (and getting lost on a github issue of how the feature was designed) than get a quick & dirty solution.

My github bio is “I’m not a dev, I’m a sorceress”. This is not (only) because I like magic, it’s because I love the sentence “Magic is science we do not understand yet”. I like studying what I do not understand.

I don’t have an end-goal of shipping stuff, getting cracked or becoming a millionaire. I just want to have fun, and to me, being a dev is more fun than any video game or movies.

Zoe Roux
Zoe Roux
I work on Kyoo or other nerdy projects at night.


Vim's superpowers
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vim tools